Voice training for Women – last breakfast 16th may 2014

 « 7 ways to authentic expression through voice training »

“Discover your diaphragm, find your original tone, think about your inner voice in order to be yourself when you bring messages across.” Femmes Leaders were invited to breakfast with Martina Przybilla. Martina Przybilla_140609Voice trainer and culture coach, Martina led us through exercises and gave interesting insight views about the importance of our voice:

  • Stand upright
  • Open your mouth as if you were holding a tennis ball inside
  • Think of your favourite smell
  • Pause your speech
  • And simply don’t overdo expressions and movement.


“It was an interesting and useful experience from which everybody gained. Some fundamental skills that were addressed were: awareness of your own voice whilst presenting in front of numerous people, teaching, giving speech or promoting a product. Furthermore the importance of preventing boredom, bad intonation or unappealing body language was highlighted, in order to avoid the audience feeling uncomfortable. However the time frame of one hour did not allow us to explore the subject in full depth, therefore I believe a further workshop could develop my knowledge and skills.” – Birgit Meixner-Oakes

“Now, I am more aware of my breathing.Attending this workshop has taught me the importance of proper breathing, as it is the foundation for achieving the optimum voice level for each individual.The techniques on relaxation and breathing before making a presentation are definitely helpful in speaking with calmness and steadiness. I also learnt how to speak with more clarity and color. It will take some practice on my part, but now I know I have the ability to find power and influence in my voice which is essential for my work.” – Rita Costa

“Ech wollt Iech nach eng Kéier Merci soe fir déi Invitatioun. Et huet mir immens gutt gefall! D’Kommunikatioun ass am privaten wéi och am berufflechen Domaine en immens wichtegt Thema, et kann een alles gewannen oder alles vermasselen je nodem wéi een eriwwer kënnt. Et kann een esou kompetent sinn wéi ee wëll, wann een um Niveau vun der Kommunikatioun verseet, da brengen ech näischt un de Mann. A well net nëmmen d’Kierpersprooch mee och d’Stëmm eng ganz wichteg Roll bei der Kommunikatioun spillt hunn ech déi Infoen an d’Übungen déi mir an deem Workshop gemaach hunn, ganz interessant fonnt. Leider ass eng Stonn e bësse kuerz, ech hätt der Madame Przybilla gär nach méi laang nogelauschtert an dat Thema nach verdéift.Vläicht kann een jo eng Suite vun dësem Workshop organiséieren?

Ech freeë mech schonn op eng aner Kéier.„ – Jeannine Weis


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